There was a time in my life where I had no idea what it meant to be Black. Granted, most six-year olds don't have a concrete understanding of their race and culture and what it means in a larger context, but when I moved to a small town in Westchester, NY, from Ghana in West Africa, I was completely out of the loop. My skin was obviously brown so people assumed I was familiar with all the cultural staples that Black-Americans popularly identify with. As I went through my pre-teen and oh-so-complicated teen years, it became harder for me to navigate the cultural differences that I had grown up with, and the ones I was now expected to know. For a while, I didn't feel like I fit in well anywhere. My town was fairly diverse, so to hang out with the white kids raised eyebrows from other kids of color in school. However, I wasn't hip to the music, styles and slang of the Black and Hispanic kids, leaving me in an awkward in-between position. So, I looked to TV. The late ...
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