After the disastrous debut of Exorcist II: The Heretic in 1977, it seemed like the horror/thriller franchise had been crammed into the nearest dark corner from whence it came, never to return again. However, original author William Peter Blatty decided to exhume the franchise in 1990 by directing a screenplay based on his novel Legion, which was originally meant as a pitch for a new Exorcist film. RELATED: The Devil Within: Every Film In The Omen And The Exorcist Franchises, Ranked According To IMDb Legion took place in the same timeline many years after the events of the first novel and film, but its content and subject matter were far different. When the time came to adapt the story for the big screen, studio insistence and creative disagreements with Blatty led to a flawed, but ultimately worthy successor to the original Exorcist that fans still hold in high regard to this day. How did it all get started, though? 10 It Was Based On False Marketing Although the characters in the ...
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