Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow, who divorced in 2016, came together to celebrate their daughter Apple's society debut. In a video shared by French outlet 'Paris Match,' the Coldplay singer danced with the 20-year-old at the Le Bal des Débutantes in Paris. On Instagram, Gwyneth shared behind-the-scenes photos with Apple, along with a snap with her ex-husband, Chris, their son, Moses, and her mom, Blythe Danner.
Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow, who divorced in 2016, came together to celebrate their daughter Apple's society debut. In a video shared by French outlet 'Paris Match,' the Coldplay singer danced with the 20-year-old at the Le Bal des Débutantes in Paris. On Instagram, Gwyneth shared behind-the-scenes photos with Apple, along with a snap with her ex-husband, Chris, their son, Moses, and her mom, Blythe Danner.