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Kick off your streaming career the right way and grab a Logitech StreamCam on sale

SAVE $40: If you want to be Twitch's next streaming superstar, the Logitech StreamCam is a great way to get started — you can pick one up at GameStop for $40 off for a limited time.

Twitch streaming is a lot harder than it looks. Some may think it's easy to sit in front of a camera and be entertaining for hours on end, but they'd be gravely mistaken. But while it's difficult in practice, it doesn't have to be overcomplicated.

And things become a lot less complicated when you have the right equipment — the Logitech StreamCam should definitely have a place on your streamer shopping list, and it's $40 off at GameStop for a limited time.

The StreamCam can record in full 1080p HD resolution at 60 frames per second, helping you create content that's clear and buttery-smooth. Its high-quality lens has a built-in auto-focus function so you don't have to fiddle with your gear while you work, and also has an auto-framing feature that always keeps you in the center of the shot. The intelligent exposure is also super helpful, which makes on-the-fly adjustments to the camera's aperture to keep your lighting looking its best. Oh, and it's all easily connected via USB-C.

Start your journey to becoming Twitch's next streaming superstar the right way — pick up a Logitech StreamCam at GameStop and save $40 for a limited time.

Save $40 at GameStop
Credit: Logitech

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