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'Dexter' has a new name, but the same love of sharp things in new teaser

'Dexter' has a new name, but the same love of sharp things in new teaser

Goodbye, Dexter Morgan. Hello, Jimmy Lindsay. 

In the latest teaser for Showtime's limited-series revival of Dexter, we learn the plastic wrap-loving serial killer goes by a new name. And while Dexter may have left behind hot and hoppin' Miami for the charm and chill of small town living, he didn't abandon his love of sharp objects. 

In this very short, 20-second clip, we see Dexter — sorry, Jimmy or "Jimbo" — stroll down Main Street, USA greeting townspeople with friendly hellos. That is until something shiny and pointy catches his eye in a store window. 

From the first teaser that debuted in April, we know Dexter is back to his murderous ways. This is of course makes sense, but it would've been a fun plot twist for Showtime to create an entire show about a non-killing Dexter Morgan and his quaint, upstate wood whittling and homemade fudge shop. Read more...

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