It's not summer movie season until we get a good old-fashioned teen comedy, and Hulu's Plan B is here to kick things off. Natalie Morales' directorial debut is a road movie with a kind heart, excellent leads, and plenty of laugh-out-loud debauchery.
After having sex at a house party, perennial good girl Sunny (Kuhoo Verma) needs the morning after pill, but is denied purchase by a pharmacy's conscience clause (a real thing!). She and mischievous best friend Lupe (Victoria Moroles) take on the three-hour drive to the nearest Planned Parenthood before Sunny's window for taking the pill closes.
There's a refreshing authenticity in Prathi Srinivasan and Joshua Levy's endearing script. This is not a capital-F film about a capital-I Indian teen having capital-S sex and going on a trip with her capital-L Latina bestiePlan B achieves the hallowed representational benchmark of honoring two leads of color in three dimensions, and does so without divorcing them from their cultures or constantly putting identity at the forefront. Even the best portrayals can miss this mark, so it's worth celebrating. Read more...
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