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A Season 3 of Netflix's You Seems *Very* Likely - Here's Why We Have Our Hopes Up

If the season two finale of You left you on the edge of your seat, then brace yourself for even more drama. Although we're still reeling from the shocking twists, we're also wondering if Joe is returning for a third chapter. After all, the second installment left us on a major cliffhanger, and Netflix wouldn't get our hopes up for no reason, right? Right?!

Thankfully, we have some promising news. It seems like a third season of You is likely, partially due to the state of California. On Dec. 16, Deadline revealed that the thriller received a $7.213 million tax credit backing from the Golden State. Although this doesn't guarantee that the series will be picked up again, it gives production companies Warner Horizon and Berlanti Productions a financial advantage in making another collection of episodes.

There have also been early talks about season three from the creative team. During a January interview with Cosmopolitan UK, the show's cocreator and executive producer Sera Gamble was hopeful about continuing the show past season two. "Absolutely it could come back for season three," she said. "First of all, it's up to the powers that be. We hope that a lot of people will watch the show and that it gets to continue." In fact, it seems like the writers already have a few ideas in store. "I will say that we have an idea for season three that is SO exciting that people talk about it in the [writer's] room every day. So my fingers are crossed . . . I'll just say, I hope we get the chance to keep making the show."

Season one was based on Caroline Kepnes's bestselling novel of the same name, and the second season focused on its sequel, Hidden Bodies. Since there isn't a third book in the series, it's likely that the show would go off-book if it's granted another season. Although, we're sure they wouldn't have a problem coming up with more ideas!
