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The Best Animes to Binge This Winter Instead of Leaving the House

Some people think of Winter as fluffy snow falling from the sky while you sip on sweet hot chocolate and wear big fuzzy sweaters next to a cozy fireplace. When I hear Winter, I think of my skin drying out from me blasting the heater in my car while I sit in traffic on my way home from work and watching the sun die out at 4 p.m. But, I think both Winter-lovers and Winter-haters can come together to agree that this season is the best time for staying indoors to watch our favorite shows. Let's take it one step further and declare Winter the perfect time to delve into the wonderful world of anime.

The term "anime" is the Japanese word for animation, and in America, it colloquially refers to Japanese cartoons that stereotypically have fantasy themes, colorful graphics, and amazing fighting scenes. However, anime can not be put into a monotonous one-note box. To say that all animes are the same is equivalent to saying all movies are the same. Many shows like, Pokemon, Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and more have become huge franchises in America. Therefore, 'tis the season for both anime newbies and anime fanatics to discover, rewatch, and cherish this magical and multifaceted genre while Winter does its thing. Here are just a few animes from various genres that I watched and would recommend to anyone.
