Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (stylized as Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood) is an upcoming American crime film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie. Set in Los Angeles, the film tells the story of television actor Rick Dalton and his stunt double Cliff Booth as they try to get involved in the film industry. It also is the last film to feature Luke Perry, who died in March 2019.
First announced in July 2017, the film will be the first of Tarantino's not to be associated with Harvey Weinstein, after Tarantino cut ties with The Weinstein Company following sexual abuse allegations against Weinstein later that October. Sony Pictures won the distribution rights, having met several of Tarantino's demands including final cut privilege. Pitt, DiCaprio and Robbie, as well as several Tarantino regulars such as Tim Roth, Kurt Russell and Michael Madsen, joined the cast between January and June 2018. Principal photography lasted from that June through November around Los Angeles.
ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD - Official Teaser Trailer